Travel poison

Yeah, i know, and agree, not an awfully inventive thing to have travel to all the places i’ve never been as one of the first in my 43 things. What can i say? It was early days, and i was playing it safe. Now it serves me as a reminder of times gone by. I even suspect the perverse of the Imp to have machinated this rather contrived wish into my then pristine list. Because, let’s face it, i’m no spring chicken. I’ve been around the blocks couple times now. And it aint all that great, these travels. It is more the idea of travel that allures the unwary couch traveller. The sing-song of faraway.
Not that i loath the necessary inconveniences associated with travél. No what i try to dissect here is the results of half baked wishes, whisked too quickly from the oven, and pret-a-porter-offered. It offers a glimpse into a psyche playing by the ear, while careful not to commit too strongly. Ah, yes, this is the heart of the matter. To most, it will seem totally inconspicous though, and therein lies it’s very wickedness. It is a cliché disguised as something else, for which i am at a lack of words.
Suffise it to say that this “thing” might not in reality meet the ideas i have of my 43 things.


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