
I’m one of those that can feel lonely in the middle of a busy street, on a crowded bus, or in a party full of happyers. I withdraw, close my inner eye (and often write, pitying myself). Or, at least, that used to be me.
The more i live, the more i value the feeling of being seen by someone. I think most people feel this way. That, for me to have a good life, i mostly need to be seen, accepted for who i am. I need to see the people around me too. I need to show them my love, to remain curious, open-minded, and generous.
But how to look when you deep down feel shy? I have a hard time looking people in the eye, even though that is exactly what i should be doing, if i am to see anything at all.
This is something i have not yet figured out. Suggestions, anyone? Anyone?


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