
Showing posts from December, 2005
Goddamn this weather. Something aint right with weather like this. Sky has darkened to a menacing silver grey, forget daylight. Sleet rushes by horisontally. No, something's wrong here.
Blogging alone you know, like in that famous report on declining voluntary work and the downfall of associations in the US, bowling alone... It's always been like this. It is a one way story, not at all a place or a way to build a true community. I write, you read (or you don't). Sure, you can comment, but that's not the point. Since finding gmail i have been blogging for an audience of one. And i get as much as i give. So it's fair trade. Over here, as a result, i find myself less and less often. In this case, the medium is not the message. The message is what happens inside you, reading this, and what you subsequently do as a result. Yeahm I know, tlak about superficial problem in a world looking like this. Well, what can i say? It's real to me. Anyway, it is vare late, or very early, depending, and i have no sleep in me. Ergo i go here. Let this be my sleeping pill...