Blogging alone
you know, like in that famous report on declining voluntary work and the downfall of associations in the US, bowling alone...
It's always been like this. It is a one way story, not at all a place or a way to build a true community. I write, you read (or you don't). Sure, you can comment, but that's not the point. Since finding gmail i have been blogging for an audience of one. And i get as much as i give. So it's fair trade. Over here, as a result, i find myself less and less often. In this case, the medium is not the message. The message is what happens inside you, reading this, and what you subsequently do as a result.
Yeahm I know, tlak about superficial problem in a world looking like this. Well, what can i say? It's real to me.
Anyway, it is vare late, or very early, depending, and i have no sleep in me. Ergo i go here. Let this be my sleeping pill...


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