Italy, land of contradictions

Not only did i travel there, i decided to live there for close to a year. Well, sortg of. My wife is an artist, and she got a scholarship to stay in Firenze for 10 months, so i quit my job and tagged along. That is already 10 years ago.
It was an interesting experience, in a land full of contraditions. I like the history, the language, the films, the wine, the food, the climate, some of the music. I don’t like the snobism, the social divide, the shallowness, the egotism, etc etc. I don’t know whether these two sides are inseparable or not. I found out that i would not like to live in Italy, but i quite like visiting it. The books the Italians and the New Italians (if i remember the titles correctly) were really quite good introductions to, and explanations of, some of the history and mentality of thet country (or i should say countries)


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