Tough trust

To learn how to trust another person is really tough. It is so easy to reserve your judgement, selfpreservation tells us to save a tiny little bit of ourselves, just in case. With trust i here mean you go asll the way. Equívalent of trusting somebody with your life. This might be a bad analogy, however, as you might well be able to trust a lot of people in extreme situations, but you would not tell these same people your innemost secrets.
There is a kind of release and perverse joy in baring yourself like that, and yet, to me that is what the concept trust implies. I tell myself and others that in the final analysis we can never trust anyone. Is this really true though? In bleak moments of despair i feel convinced it is. More often i tend to doubt, and that is the state i find myself in most of the time. I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Because, if there really is such a thing as trust in the above mentioned sense of the word, it would be like finding faith. Actually i think the two concepts are not that far apart. It seems that to me trust and faith are related in several ways. But that is another topic.


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