Pitch black. Droplets on the kitchen window. We are far from a white Christmas. Record temperatures makes nature believe it is spring, spring flowers are budging. And three days to dopparedan. It's hard to get into the spirit with this warmth. I suppose this is how americans feels living in the warmer parts of USA...
Showing posts from 2006
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as time passes on some things in life passes by their best-before date. And it becomes time to let go. it can be hard, and it can be easy. man is a creature of habit, and habits can be hard to break. It turns into a circle of comfort, something easy and well-known. So i have maintained some web pages, and some services, for years. I did the magazine for years. and i need to exercise the let-go muscles. it is good to do it. it equals cleaning out your closet of heavy memories. so it turns into a cleansing activity. and pride before fall, how silly i am! to cling to notions of fairness. to expect a fair treatment, som recognition of work done. forget that. it is not forthcoming. so, time to move on.
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Perhaps the incrediblest summer yet, still going on in September! Hey, what's going on with that? Yesterday night we had our first autumn-like storm, and it was really windy. And then, today we have sunshine again... Go figure. Ah, i am not complaining, it lets me ride my boke to work every day, and feels like such a healthy thing to do. Yesterday I was interviewed by Anna for a special edition of Filmtid, it will be broadcast on FST digital 23.9 and analogue 25.9. It was great fun, havent thought about the issues we were discussing for sime time now, so it felt refreshing.
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Hm. Did a personality test. Turns out I am a Teacher Idealist (eNFj) The test shows that the group i belong to^, The Idealists , called Teachers are abstract in their thought and speech, cooperative in their style of achieving goals, and directive and extraverted in their interpersonal relations. The full text on this group, which i found amusing, partly true, and quite interesting to read, is at keirsey . What type are you?
walking in solitude and silence
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Walking in a forest is such a relaxing thing to do. Yes, i agree it depends on the forest, the season, the weather etc. I have some quite specific memories and even people in my idea of forest walks. To be enveloped by trees, wind, sounds, green like that can be very soothing for a scarred soul. It may come off as slightly new ageish, needing a place to worship, but i dont think that is what i am trying to say here. The stillness, the slow time in the trees growing, the rustling in the leaves, the colours and smells all bring me back, and away. Could be considered escapism i suppose, but a benign such. See more progress on: walk in a forest
Tough trust
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To learn how to trust another person is really tough. It is so easy to reserve your judgement, selfpreservation tells us to save a tiny little bit of ourselves, just in case. With trust i here mean you go asll the way. EquÃvalent of trusting somebody with your life. This might be a bad analogy, however, as you might well be able to trust a lot of people in extreme situations, but you would not tell these same people your innemost secrets. There is a kind of release and perverse joy in baring yourself like that, and yet, to me that is what the concept trust implies. I tell myself and others that in the final analysis we can never trust anyone. Is this really true though? In bleak moments of despair i feel convinced it is. More often i tend to doubt, and that is the state i find myself in most of the time. I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Because, if there really is such a thing as trust in the above mentioned sense of the word, it would be like finding faith. Actually i...
Opening your eyes is fun!
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Great, i have been taking much more photos the last three months again. True, it is not one per day as in my new year resolution, i simply does not have the stomach for it, but i think about what i see a lot more, and in bursts of extra energy i do take more pictures. And that is a very very good feeling. It Feels good enough fo me to remove this from my wish list, even though this, as so many others of my entries are not easily crossed out, as they by nature are continous. Well, what dod you do? See more progress on: Take more pictures
Almost done my final paper!
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Incredible. Partly thanks to 43things, i have gotten some things done. I was, like always, overly enthusiastic about this new service when i first started using it, being active daily, logging in constantly, adding entries, and mostly polishing my list of 43 things i want to do. Then the familliar slope occured, and as a result i haven’t been in for ages. Now, coming back (this is my second attempt to get 43 things into my everyday lifr again) i do notice that some things have actually changed, and for the better. I have even been bold enought to submit a first draft of my final paper for the university degree that i have had dormant for years. It is a combination of several things, but regardless, i feel good about it. See more progress on: finish my degree
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Two hours skating on the ice, my cheeks are glowing red. It feels so healthy. And the setting was just perfect. Almost the whole class of Leo, including the teacher. We were 41 in total, skating in the beautiful and crisp evening, minus 7, no wind, half moon. And how we skated! It was the hockey game that drew most attention, parents vs the kids. After almost two hours play the result was announced, the kids won 18-16. And we all went home. Great feeling.
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Speeding around Europe like a rocket, i am sometimes dizzy with impressions. And try as i might, i do not feel able to digest and process them, even though i would like to. I find some consolation in all these travels, it is comforting to see things still going on everywhere, life as usual. I have perhaps become dependent on moving around. That is, as long as i can manage to avoid hotel living. There is something about hotel rooms. One time i actually liked it, now they keep me sleepless. I zap through bad tv, i turn in my bed, i am too restless to sleep, i seldom feel rested. Why is that?
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well now, every day is not a literal thing. Small steps at a time, as my friend Isabel from Spain always keep saying. And to say7 something for the sake of it, well i confess to doing that a lot. But, oh well i was so much older then. Had so many answers. Were so angry. Now i hope there are still things i DO want to say. Hence this blog. Cheerio. Smile! -J
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The white lady came by and wrapped us all in her white sheets. the wind is howling, temperature's dropping, we are heading straight into it. Long dark days with a heave grey overclouded sky, unnatural the way it sucks away all color. No wonder i would like to eat candy all the time, or eat greasy food, or drink. Stimulations desperately needed.
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The new year has started well. You know what happened? One day during the christmas holidays i rose up from the sofa, and began doing all those things i thought i should have done the last year but somehow never got around to. I stopped procrastrinating, and just just like that! It was a moment that created flow, and you know what? It keeps going! I made some attempts at new year resolutions, and so far i have held them all. True, it is not far into the new year again, but i can't be bothered, To me this is such an amazing thing. all of a sudden i just seem to get things done. Not like i didn't before, but this is different. i get the hard to do things done, not just the mandatory and the fun ones. and, yeah, i thought i would blog daily, at least something, during 2006, to feel it out. Haven't so far, but this is a start. Have fun out there!! -J